
Monday, April 07, 2003

"life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get"

what a classic. an epic tale of loving to its full and sincerity to its full redemption. forrest gump is such a beautiful story, the structure of the story, the screenplay, the words used in every scene has such moving sincerity, that even i, a regular movie buff was moved to tears. more then what appears to be just a classic, forrest gump is a moving tale of a man's determination to find true love and to truly assert the true meaning of "till death do us part"

it was a strange coincidence u know..basically i was really tired after playing a few games of literati with my sister and i was quite sure that i would be heading to dreamland pretty soon, but then ahhh the television was such a distraction. as soon as i saw forrest gump on tv, i could not tear my eyes away from the screen. so i watched. and ooher what a careful decision. im glad i sat there and watched it. cos it made me think, think of what i held dear to my heart, think of what life meant to me, think of the loved ones i miss so much, think of the people who've brought me to where i am now. to all these people, thank you.

nope am not going to be mushy or fill this page with honey-sweet words of i love u's and hugs and kisses, the most important person who has made me who i am is indubitably God. there is such unequivocal truth about His promises of a prosperous plan for us, and i truly believe that His plan has made me whole. yup today has been a day full of surprises and full of obligatory things to be done, and i did what i could. anyway it was a really exciting day, made me feel like the happiest girl in the world. but yepp.. to you. thanks for being part of me. thanks for making me smile when i really needed a cheerful soul, thanks for being just you.