
Monday, July 21, 2003

studying..keeping it simple

this is my studious photo. haha after studying for goodness knows how long. not very long actually, seeing as to how ive uploaded photos and how im back here again due to restlessness and boredom. havent seriously studied for a few months, been busying myself with work and studies but not in the memorising-alevels sort of work. havent been burying my nose in my books, havent been reading up on current affairs and what have yous. so now that im back in the game of studying, its really good luck to me. haha cos im really gonna try. have read thru half or my first text for lit and prepared questions for history. and maths is...well....non-existant at the moment, but raring to go! i committed my time of studying to God and asked Him to give me focus, discipline and most importantly, a peace of mind. if i have alot of things on my mind, it will be impossible to even get close to getting anywhere. so today has been a distracted day. tomorrow studying marathon with my studying-partner. haha. then basc in the afternoon :)

btw, i have new photos.