
Sunday, July 13, 2003

head over heels
orh. haha why this title is called 'head over heels' is cos i.. uh.. wore heels today and felt really tall but i tripped and fell many times on the way home. so quite paiseh. then when i was crossing the overhead bridge i kinda slipped the last 3 steps, so lucky for me that i didnt uh.. crack my butt bone! haha. yes. anyway

i gave away my 'lucky charm' today. it was something that i bought in hawaii last december and something that i held dear to ever since. i brought it with me wherever i went and i had it with me thru tough times and of cos i brought it to uk. though it isnt anything significant, whenever i held onto it i would feel slightly better and a little more calm. it was something that lets say if i left it somewhere by accident, or had i lost it, i would be anxious and really go all out to look for it. well, today i gave it away, to a special friend who i know will keep it well. guess it was in a way letting go of my securities. i chose to place my securities in many other things like friends and school and even this 'lucky charm', yet i failed to see the only security i needed, God.

today's worship was good. kudos to my bro daniel who did a fantabulous job, he led entirely by the Spirit and the worship team's focus was there, that was to help usher the presence of the Holy Spirit in, and He came mightily. i almost broke down myself, i was really tempted too and i was shivering all over, a sign of me being nervous because i would be contemplating stepping forward, but i felt the need to go up and just play for the altar call. and i went up to play with the rest and it was a good closing song. Be Exalted may be a hymn, but it has a resounding effect on the people, and on me. i felt things changing in my life too, and sooner or later i hope to find my complete release in Christ.

gen's cell visited our cluster and we had cluster worship.

headed to dover hilton after that for lunch. then decided to go down to west mall with the rest to walk around which led to us all feeling sian because its so far from home for many of us haha. anyway then we settled down at swensens for thin mint ice cream! i vouch for it! yummy! its really nice but i struggled to finish it. anyway headed home after that, fell asleep on the bus as usual and uh dunno why but i always wake up just in time before the bus arrives at my stop, so i happily trotted off the bus and walked home. now home. quite tired, will take a nap later, and yay my new contacts are ready. dunno whether ill remember how to wear them anymore. haha havent worn for six months due to that stupid eye ulcer.

anyway the band rehearsal/auditions went well yesterday. we sang perhaps, perhaps, perhaps and all you wanted by michelle branch. was quite paiseh cos my mike didnt work so they made me sing a verse all by myself. gonna kill andrea. haha. anyway think we managed to get the main stage, so we'll be at suntec singing away, gotta learn up all the chords for next week in case daniel cant make it. okay, shall sleep and pray for people. recently been asking for alot of prayer, so think its time i prayed for people. yes.