
Monday, July 21, 2003

happy birthday to my crazeh banana!
hello hello just got back from a looong day. anyway my eyes still have a slight viral infection so i cant wear contacts for another two weeks! grraaah i hope i remember how to put my lenses on man..its been almost 6months already since i last wore contacts. and remembering the days where i spent half an hour trying to fit them in when i first started is...well lets say i rather not remember it :p anyway before i forget..

happy happy birthday adrea! :) haha crazeh banana and crazeh monkey forever ya!!! :)

yepp, ok, officially ive realised that i have seven books to do for lit, and seven modules(huge modules) for history. that is only quite the scary. plus a chunk of math and im..offically dead and gone. haha. finally got my syllabus. i am gonna split my papers so that i wont kill myself. im taking three papers each subject in january and the rest in june. which means i really have to start on my work, and force myself to be disciplined..(chants to oneself.. beks beks beks!!) haha and i really need to stop going out so much and spending all my money and later discovering to my horror that im broke! what a duh thing to say. but anyway suddenly i have some sense of motivation to work towards to. i mean i really want to study local so i will work towards that. ok, ive done it before......can do it again!!! :)