
Monday, July 21, 2003

good morning, good morning to you
what is it with these people..? i'm from RGS! RGS!! not MGS!!! or Crescent or whatever school! i'm a rafflesian!! always will be one!! haha everyone tells me i have the MG look and they scoff and laugh when i announce proudly that im a rafflesian! i suppose that means i dont look intellectual? -gasp- no! haha.. but for the from RGS! i still remember our cheers!! and our mass dances and our houses.. waddle rules of cos! the ducky house! woot! the silly things we'll say in school. gawdd i miss rgs. the rgs roof where we would patronize in the wee hours of the night, the cafeteria and the classrooms, the amphi, every bit of the school remains etched in my heart. how i miss the school life i once shared with my now ex-classmates. the sneaking of food between our tables and eating them blatantly during class, the drumming of fingers on our tables because we were oh-so-bored and the friends that made school so enjoyable! the raffles spirit! always! always we'll be daughters of a better age!!!!