
Friday, April 18, 2003

surrendering my all

hey just had the sudden bit of inspiration to write. its not because i cant sleep but its because i am particularly excited about the coming weekend. i can just feel my bones tingling with excitement and i'm almost delirious! its been a strange yet crazy week. surprise after surprise, change after change, there's constant change happening in my life..which can be a good thing yet have its cons too. i have no idea what i am talking about honestly. anyway i realise that in order to achieve full security in Christ, i have to surrender my everything. even tho i speak so often about it, ive never been able to truly do that, to truly give my entire life up to God.

my spiritual life has been a turbulent one. ups and downs, rights and wrongs, ive seen thru a hell lot more then what i possibly could handle. but with constant guidance from God.. i realise that my life slowly starts to fall in place. and that truly is a marvellous thing, and i feel so much joy everytime God rights a wrong in my life. the weaknesses i struggle with that i continously run away from, He takes it and turns it into a strength. How wonderful is our God? as easter draws closer, my prayer is that truly lives will be touched, changed and renewed. for in the kingdom of God, a life will be changed forever! amen! glory to God in the Highest!!