
Monday, July 28, 2003

what's it like to be forgotten
it may be a simple thing, trivial in fact, and i have no right or whatsoever to protest or be angry but well, i am. maybe its because im scared of losing you. its hard holding you, loving you, losing you. yeah indeed so. anyway i shall not dwell on it. today many things happened. muffin came over to my house and we bitched till kingdom came. haha we bitched so much and we just talked alot about eveyrthing, it was great to talk to her and just be with her. anyway after that rushed to and fro and came back to meet clement for dinner. we walked to newton to eat and then walked back to my house to prepare worship for tomorrows heartbeat prayer meeting. yes! there is a meeting! haha. well apparently nobody reads the bulletin -blank stare-

anyway we prepped a few songs and it was good choosing the songs and prepping for it. really spent alot of time. anyway it will be a painful worship for me. alot of songs hit home in my heart. okay, shall continue my daily go-abouts.

oh and yes! we tried getting a tune for clems song. haha it materialised a little and den it sort of fizzled out towards the end. a bit hard to sing larh clem. sorry. haha