
Sunday, July 27, 2003

am very tired. came home and felt strangely sedated. the kids came too

needed them to be around in a way, to keep me sane. and everyone kept asking me who, what and why? so quite strange to answer. anyway had to lead cluster worship and it was amazing, for once i can honestly say that my entire being was being taken control of by God and He was leading, not me. i was just an instrument used to lead His people in to His courts. it came to an amazing standstill and i felt total surrender after that. and i really felt better. the kids came to play pool again and we just sat around the piano singing crazy songs and yelling at the top of our voices. now my throat is hoarse. haha. anyway

the cluster underwent severe restructuring and it was effective and erm i would say its better, because now i have a smaller group to concentrate on and i can serve each one with all i have and all i am. man, very sleepy. k but gonna watch lara croft with my family tonight. shall brace myself. haha time for feministic appealing shows.