
Tuesday, July 29, 2003

some people are never satisfied with whatever they have. in fact, they want more. and when they get it, they take it for granted, and want more, and again, the vicious cycle repeats itself. owell. be content my friend, be content.

anyway im still in a semi floaty mood, thanks to a dear friend of mine who made me buzz with such sunshine the whole afternoon. went for the heartbeat prayer meeting and worship was good, enjoyed myself and even tho clem went too fast, it was still a good worship. im really beginning to appreciate the complete joy ive found in God, feel so much better and after that chatted with ailing and the rest. guess it was a good chat, could really articulate what i felt after so long. oh then met sash for roti prata! yummeh!

and oh i deleted all the unhappy posts because everytime i read it i think about it. anyway, the night ended on a slightly bad note because the bus jerked so many times on the way back that by the time i got off the bus, i puked all the prata out. it was quite gross and like there were four men there just staring me down like i was the first woman theyve ever seen. haha deprived. anyway staggered all the way back where i cleaned myself up. still feeling queasy but happy. complete joy. anyway love the song 'let everything that has breath' by matt redman.

if we could see how much You're worth, Your power, Your might, Your endless love, then surely we would never cease to praise You Lord!!!

anyway liana, i think yer a very strong girl. keep the faith and thanks so much for all uve done for me, all the prayers. hope to be able to talk to you soon. take care yeah? smile, am always here for you.