
Tuesday, July 08, 2003

3am and still going
i think i will remove the picture later. its 322am in the morning. just had maggi mee cos i was so hungry. i only had 3 chicken wings for the whole day and then i did junwen's blog. surprisingly im not tired.. just a tad bit uncomfortable cos i ate too fast and now i feel a little bloated. anyway i picked p this book from my mini lit library called roll of thunder, hear my cry and i was thinking of reading it over the course of this week when i flipped thru and realised that i already had read it. geez. and i didnt know. im really forgetful. like how i forgot that i told judith my blog add. owell. i'm really full and a little sleepy now. shall head off to bed soon with a nice book and a cosy cup of.. uh.. tea? haha and then its off to lala land.