
Tuesday, July 08, 2003

when tragedy strikes
usually i dont blog about things that happen in the world, much less things that happen in singapore, but when news of the iranian twins death reached me, i was deeply saddened. i have been following their story ever since they got here to singapore. it was their courage and determination that won my admiration for them. they were cheerful, determined and optimistic about the operation, believing that they would be able to finally realise their greatest dreams -- to be apart. even after realising the full details of this intricate procedure, and being aware of the risks that were involved, they agreed that the risks were worth it. such fearless women in this time and age are a rare find. alas, the surgery fell through and they both died. though i don't know them personally, i wish i did. i would have wanted to ask them so many questions. how come they had so much faith? why were they so confident and optimistic? such bravery would be something i would remember always. they knew that there was a greater risk as they were older and that they were grown women. ultimately that was what caused their death; the fact that their brains were fused together for 29 years made surgery difficult and complicated. anyway whatever happens, happens for a reason. the iranian twins' bravery would remain forever engraved into singapore's history and they would be fondly remembered as young cheerful women who wanted to give life a second shot.

on a lighter note, round two of the spicy battle, i won. spicy chicken mc-crispy proved too fatal for nitro. even a regular ice lemon tea and a large coke wasnt enough to suffice his battle with spice! haha anyway we brainstormed for ideas on euphoria and we came up with a good plot and with good characters. now to submit the proposal and to brainstorm a little more before working on our first draft.