
Monday, June 16, 2003

respect. its hard to earn and easy to lose.
that was my phrase of the day for yesterday. anyway last night was an exhilarating one. ive not gone for overnight cycling in a billon years and i wasnt planning on doing so either last night. i was just meeting andrea for supper at the ole newton circus when she suggested biking there. so i was like ok! why not.. anyway its not very far off from my place and hers. so we biked there and had supper and we decided later in the craziest spur of the moment to cycle thru some uluiated place and we ended up at paragon. that was after i had crashed head-on into a lamp post. haha dont ask me how, i just did. so much for being careful. i was going too fast then at the junction in order to stop i crashed boom! and i flew off my bike. thankfully nothings too wrong with me now, just a tad bit groggy. we then continued on to cycle to plaza sing and we parked just outside bakers inn and we sat inside some air-con place singing away happily! we sang and we sang and after that the security guards took us on a tour of both atrium buildings and brought us to see the mtv office. wahaha how cool is that! anyway was doggone tired when i came back so i just woke up around 2. really tired still. my bones and muscles are aching from that short exercise yesterday. haha hilarious. have quite a few things to do this afternoon. hmmm..structure beks, structure! -furrows brows-