
Friday, March 21, 2003

i am not feeling too good. as in literally. i threw up about 4 times last nite and had to keep drinking water cos i felt so dehydrated. all this at like 2-3am in the morning. and i had a pounding headache the very moment i woke up. so it continued on into the wee hours of the morning. felt like shit. den the kids who stayed over told me that they were worried cos i kept throwing up, haiyo i feel so bad. anyway after that we went to serene macs to have breakfast but i felt so nauseated that i didnt even get past half of my burger. i ended up wasting the food. ironic since its war time and we all gotta save as much as we can and not waste so abundantly. sorry man.

after that the kids came back again to my surprise, back to my house where we just lazed around and stoned. played music, listened to sunyanzi:) haha and alot more stupid things. after that we went to ps for erm..high tea haha where again even tho i didnt have much of an appetite, forcefully stuffed the food down my throat so that sarah would eat. haha. skinny pok stil wanna diet. haiyoo haha yah so i came back and felt like throwing up cos my stomach couldnt really agree with the long johns silver we had, so i did. now i feel groggy and sick. im not eating for the next ten years man.