
Wednesday, March 12, 2003

dr pepper

its like a remedy for my heartaches u know. everytime i feel sad, depressed or just really down in the dumps i'll grab a can of dr pepper and somehow in a strange weird way it sorta calms me down and makes me feel a little happy. i really like the taste. its sweet yet it has yeah a strange sorta pepper fizz. and i really like the tang it leaves on my tongue. i know its really just a simple can of soft drink but cant help but realise its effects on me. good i suppose. makes me feel a little happier. i just drank one can! i'm still as confused as ever. this really is a bad time for me but i'll get over it soon. im not depressed or what.. just a little..confused. wil tell all about it when its over. sigh well..always look on the bright side of life..doo doo dooo doooodoo doo! grab ur can of dr pepper now!