
Sunday, August 31, 2003

pictures to uplift my spirits.
decided to post some pictures. may make me feel slightly better. gonna meet the rest later to eat..! haha recently my appetite has been wavering. its either i eat alotalot or i eat oh-so-little. yesterday i couldnt finish anything i ordered. thats scary u know. haha but sometimes i can eat for eternity and still feel hungry. something wrong.

the gospel choir after service:)
gaius, me, michelle and esther. i like this shot. bring on the holy voices! :p

me and brother daniel. cheekiness only sia.
haha he looks nice! i look cheesy and cheeky. like wth am i doing.....???

me and michelle. seriously. haha
ahhh a picture with the ever-so-serious-abt-to-laugh michelle! heh. nice nice! small eyes! :p

me and winston below the disabled toilet sign.
whats with the signs? haha last time it was the danger sign.............. :p hmmmmmmmm.

me and sarah[mok.]
haha one of the million photos we have. haha anyway i like.

daniel...........unglam! and jimmy pfffft?
hahaha i like this photo. so unglam....! paying dan back in his own coin............. haha and jimmy!! :o

june, jimmy and dan.
heh they look so happy and cheesy! yup. but a nice photo!

dila the icy bitch. haha
hey....thats her name! haha she looks friendly here tho. *icy cold stare*

wahahaha unglam unglam!!
this takes home the unglam award of the month! :p

originally wanted to post a photo that dan sent to me of gen and me larh. but it is SO unglam that i risk being slaughtered by gen so no can do. hahaha anyway some other photos

happy bitches haha me and dila.
sniffles and moomoo.
me and winston again.