
Thursday, January 22, 2004

chinese new year so far has been.. filling? ive been eating so much i swear im gonna start looking like norleena salim. oh dear me. anyway it wasnt as plastic as i thot it might or would be. in fact, i spent most of today just chilling in my room with my cousins. but really quite tired now, and strangely hungry! i have to curb my spending. its getting out of hand. i better take that mediacorp job again so that i can earn money TO spend. haha. anyway just came back from watching last samurai with the church guys. the whole gang was there again.. hh, mark, yanting, brian, vinz, clem, wendy, my bro, sueanne and ian. decided not to join them for supper.. kinda really tired.

anyway.. i miss paupau!! :( haha sadness, at least i hope she's enjoying herself in sydney haha.. okay, time to bathe and hit the sack! early visiting tmrw maybe? i hear chilli crabs are on the menu for lunch! yummy! :)

lastly, happy cny all of you!!