
Thursday, September 04, 2003

i.. [grrrr] can't... COOK!! *throws pots and pans into the basin in anger*

maybe i should take lessons from brian when he gets back. i mean i can do the simple maggi mee and eggs.....[eh, who can't?] and the occasional attempts at baking cakes, brownies or cookies, or even my whimsical attempts to input variations into my food has failed. *gulp*

this morning cos i woke up real early, i was in an adventurous mood to cook breakfast. so with cheer and glee, i took out the frozen sausages, and i cracked some eggs. lo and behold there wasnt milk, so my eggs werent that nice, and the sausages ended up slightly burnt cos i was replying an sms. i know! ditsy brain right?? anyway i lost all appetite upon seeing the food and just snapped up the sausages and left my half-burnt cheese omelette sitting there on its own.

conclusion for the morning : i can't cook. oh woe is me.

gonna meet eve in a bit.. *skips*