amidst all the glitz, glamour and starry-eyed celebrities, the star awards actually sucked quite bad. it wasn't the dress sense, actually the clothes this yr were pretty alrite.. it was more of how the whole ceremony was carried out. the perpetual appearence of jack neo, the horrendous attempts at cracking stage jokes, and many more flaws. but the beauty of it all is that people actually enjoyed demselves, and it was only after the show, like now..when they did the simple evaluation. i was one of them
the only part i found enjoyable was after the show when i went to look for all the stars i had worked with and all the crew ppl i met during my attachment. and took pictures! wahahah these stars(except a few) are really not jerks/jackasses and all u know..they are really quite nice. and ming shun said to my mum dat i was 'guai' hahaha yup my work tho it was sucky and tiring, there was one njoyable part, meeting these new 'frens' and knowing dem for who they really are..and im happy to have had the experience :)
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